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Basics of Breastfeeding:
The pre-recorded webinar, ”Basics of Breastfeeding” is a comprehensive session designed to equip expecting and new parents with the essential knowledge and skills needed to embark on a successful breastfeeding journey.

Led by an experienced Lactation Enabler, this informative webinar covers the fundamental principles, techniques, and benefits of breastfeeding. It serves as an invaluable resource for individuals seeking a solid understanding of the basics of breastfeeding, promoting a nurturing bond between mother and child.

Resuming Employment and Expressing Breastmilk:
The webinar combines Lactation Enabler’s expert knowledge, real-life experiences, and practical tips to empower working mothers with the confidence and information they need to continue breastfeeding through hand expressing, and pumping while resuming employment. Whether you are preparing to return to work or have recently done so, this webinar offers essential guidance for successfully balancing work responsibilities and the continued nourishment of your baby through breastfeeding.

Weaning Off Formula
At BSIM, we are committed to providing the right kind of information to parents who wish to breastfeed. Our “Weaning off Formula” webinar aims to empower parents with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to embrace the journey of breastfeeding. We believe that with the right support and information, every mother can achieve her breastfeeding goals, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Mother-Led Weaning Webinar
While there is a plethora of information on breastfeeding, weaning from breastfeeding is not discussed as much as parents would like to. Weaning is a hard decision and not something that works for all parents who decide to wean right away. Gradual weaning is better not only for the child but also for the mother since abrupt weaning can cause an increased risk of developing plugged ducts, mastitis, abscesses and in some rare cases, even cancer.

Under Maintenance. We will be back soon!!!
For Booking Webinars Please Email at: