Benefits of BSIM's Online Lactation Consults
- Practical suggestions by mothers who have breastfed
- Convenient, easy & affordable
- No location boundaries
- Individual attention & personalised support
Please read the terms & conditions at the bottom of this page before making the payment.
Step 1: Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page before making payment
Step 2: Choose a consultant
Step 3: Click on ‘pay now’ for the consultant you choose and fill up details
In case you do not get a response from us within 3 working days (Mon-Fri) please email us at
Step 4: The Lactation Professional will email the registered email ID (registered during booking by the client itself) with a Google Meet Invite to fix appointment within 3 working days (Mon-Fri)
Step 5: Please accept the invite in case invite is not seen in your inbox please check the spam/junk folder alternatively if you are using a Gmail ID please check for the invite on your Google Calendars
In case of Rescheduling of the appointment please inform the Lactation Professional or on at least 12 hours prior to the consultation.
Rescheduling of appointments is allowed only once.
In case of a No show for 15 mins after the Lactation Professional joins the call the call will be cancelled and the amount shall be non-refundable.

Practicing Since: 2021
Lactation Enabler
Qualification: BSIM’s Certified Elementary Lactation Enabler (CELE), BSIM’s Certified Intermediate Lactation Enabler (CILE)
LC Charge: Rs.1800/-
Personal Experience: Dealing with Tongue/Lip Tie, Nursing through Reflux/GERD, Nursing after a C-section, Correcting a Shallow/Painful Latch, Cluster Feeding/Growth Spurts, Nursing Toddlers, Fast Letdown, Nursing Aversions, Nursing in Public (NIP), Nursing in a Carrier (NIC), Full Term Breastfeeding, Natural Term Weaning.
Professional Expertise: Relactation, Weaning Off Formula, Nipple Preference, Low Supply, Nursing Strikes, Plugged Ducts/Mastitis, Nursing in Various Positions, Engorgement/Oversupply, Resuming Employment, Nursing with Thyroid, Expressing & Storing Breastmilk, Exclusive Pumping.
Spoken Language: English, Marathi, Hindi

Practicing Since: 2018
Lactation Enabler
Qualification: CLEC, Certified in Relactation & Induced Lactation
LC Charge: Rs.2000/-
Personal Experience: Shallow or painful latch, Clustering/ Growth spurts, Engorgement/ Oversupply, C-section and nursing, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing strike.
Professional Expertise: Weaning off formula, Shallow or painful latch, Cluster feeding/ Growth spurts, Lip and Tongue Ties, Lactose intolerance, CMPA, Allergies, Exclusive Pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Tandem Nursing, Nursing Twins, Nursing through reflux, GERD, Engorgement/ Oversupply, Mastitis / Breast infection / Plugged ducts/ Thrush, C-section and nursing, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing premature babies/ NICU, Nursing strike.
Spoken Language: English, Hindi, Malayalam.

Practicing Since: 2018
Lactation Enabler
Qualification: BSIM’s Certified Elementary Lactation Enabler (CELE), BSIM’s Certified Intermediate Lactation Enabler (CILE), BSIM’s Certified Advanced Lactation Enabler (CALE)
LC Charge: Rs.2000/-
Personal Experience: Shallow or painful latch, Clustering/ Growth spurts, Engorgement/ Oversupply, C-section and nursing, experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-downs, Nursing strikes, Nursing Twins, Tandem Nursing, Pumping & Expressing Breastmilk
Professional Expertise:
Weaning off formula, Shallow or painful latch, Cluster feeding/ Growth spurts, Lip and Tongue Ties, Lactose intolerance, CMPA, Allergies, Exclusive Pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Tandem Nursing, Nursing Twins, Nursing through reflux, GERD, Engorgement/ Oversupply, Mastitis / Breast infection / Plugged ducts/ Thrush, C-section and nursing, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing premature babies/ NICU, Nursing strike.
Spoken Language: Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Tulu, English.

Practicing Since: 2021
Qualification: CLP, ACLP, IYCF-E
LC Charge: Rs.1200/-
Personal Experience: Weaning off Formula, Correcting Latch, Handling Cluster Feeding/Growth spurts, C-section & Nursing, Experience with Nursing in Various Positions, Low Supply, Nursing with Postpartum Surgery, Nursing Toddler, Nursing in Public, Nursing Aversion, Nursing with Blisters and Cuts.
Professional Expertise: Weaning off Formula, Latch & Position, Fast Let-down, Nursing Strike, Low Supply, C-section and Nursing.
Spoken Language: English, Hindi

Practicing Since: 2018
Qualification: CLEC, Certified in Relactation & Induced Lactation
LC Charge: Rs.2000/-
Personal Experience: Shallow or painful latch, Clustering/ Growth spurts, Engorgement/ Oversupply, C-section and nursing, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing strike.
Professional Expertise: Weaning off formula, Shallow or painful latch, Cluster feeding/ Growth spurts, Lip and Tongue Ties, Lactose intolerance, CMPA, Allergies, Exclusive Pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Tandem Nursing, Nursing Twins, Nursing through reflux, GERD, Engorgement/ Oversupply, Mastitis / Breast infection / Plugged ducts/ Thrush, C-section and nursing, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing premature babies/ NICU, Nursing strike.
Spoken Language: English, Hindi, Malayalam.

Practicing Since: 2018
Qualification: CLP
LC Charge: Rs.950/-
Personal Experience: Exclusive pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Diabetic and breastfeeding.
Professional Expertise:
Exclusive pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Weaning off formula, Shallow latch, engorgement / oversupply c-section and nursing, experience sorting latch issues, fast letdown, nursing strike.
Spoken Language: English, Hindi, Malayalam, Kutchi.

Practicing Since: 2010
Qualification: IBCLC, Certified Child Birth Educator
LC Charge: Rs.1800/-
Personal Experience: Recurring Engorgements, Mastitis, Colics and Reflux, Torticollis, Tight Frenulum, Alimentary Intolerances, Fussy Baby, Slow Growth, Breastfeeding through Pregnancy, Tandem Nursing Kids of Different Age, Natural Term Weaning.
Professional Expertise: All kinds of difficult Breastfeeding Situations, Including: Latch and Milk Transfer Issues, Sucking Dysfunctions, Tongue and Lip Ties, Nipple and Breast Conditions, Slow Weight Gain, Low Supply, Prematurity and Postmaturity, Transitioning from Bottle Feeding to Breastfeeding and Weaning Off Formula, Babies Refusing Breast, Gentle Assisted Weaning and Emergency Weaning; Adoptive Breastfeeding; Relactation; Breastfeeding and Medications; Mild to Severe Maternal and Infant Health or Anatomical Conditions and Different Abilities; Breastfeeding After Birth Trauma; Mother-infant Separation; Individualised Antenatal Guidance.
Spoken Language: English, Hindi, Italian, basic Punjabi.
Unavailable for Consult.

Practicing Since: February 2021
Qualification: CLP
LC Charge: Rs.950/-
Personal Experience: Clustering/ Growth spurts, Lip and tongue ties, Exclusive pumping, Engorgement/ Oversupply, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing strike, Exclusive pumping only for 14 days.
Professional Expertise: Weaning off formula, Shallow or painful latch, Clustering/ Growth spurts, Lip and tongue ties, Lactose intolerance, CMPA, Allergies, Exclusive pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Nursing through reflux, GERD, Engorgement/ Oversupply, Mastitis / Breast infection / Plugged ducts/ Thrush, Experience with nursing in various positions, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing premature babies/ NICU, Nursing strike.
Spoken Language: Marathi, Hindi, English.

Practicing Since: February 2021
Qualification: CLP
LC Charge: Rs.950/-
Personal Experience: Shallow or painful latch, Clustering/ Growth spurts, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Nursing through reflux, GERD, Engorgement/ Oversupply, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down.
Professional Expertise:
Weaning off formula, Shallow or painful latch, Clustering/ Growth spurts, Exclusive pumping, Resuming employment / Maternity benefit law, Nursing through reflux, GERD, Experience sorting latch issues, Fast let-down, Nursing strike.
Spoken Language: Hindi, English.
Close to 250 consults (and counting) done.
Medical Advice Disclaimer
The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
We understand and acknowledge that parents and babies can be of various genders on a spectrum of LGBTQI+. Families come in diverse flavours. However, in our articles, for the sake of simplicity and convenience, we will be referring to the breastfeeding parent as the mother and using the female pronouns- ‘she’ and ‘her’ for babies. Babies can be nourished and nurtured in different ways and while we have used the terms breastfeeding and nursing, we recognize that parents can opt to chest feed or finger feed.
We don’t have conflicts of interest and declare, and we are compliant with the WHO code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes and the IMS act.
Terms & Conditions:
- Payment once made shall be non-refundable.
- The consultation will be online and therefore, will have the limitations of the medium.
- One transaction will be for one consultation only.
- A consult can be rescheduled once and up to 12 hours before the selected slot. There will be no refund/ rescheduling in case of a no show by the mother during the original time selected.
- An LC may reschedule the consult up to once in case of unforeseen circumstances.
- In case a follow-up call is needed, the mother will need to book another consultation with the LC.
- The consultation duration would be anywhere between 30 mins to 60 mins depending on the criticality of your situation. If it exceeds 60 mins another consultation needs to be booked by the mother.
- Once the payment is made, the consultation should take place within 10 working days.
Under Maintenance. We will be back soon!!!
For Booking Online LC Please Email at: with your preferred Time & Date.