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About Us

BSIM is a peer to peer support group for breastfeeding parents, their partners and family members.

BSIM was founded in the June 2013 by Adhunika Prakash with the intention of empowering breastfeeding parents with information.

Our founder was was selected as one of the 5 residents from 6000+ applicants from all over the world for the Facebook Community Leadership Program

She received the #WebWonderWomen award from the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Outlook Poshan Award from the hands of the Hon. Vice President of India.

The Facebook Support group which has 1,50,000+ members is where members, moderators and admins help breastfeeding parents with breastfeeding queries 24X7. These members are at various stages of their breastfeeding journey, ranging from pregnant to those with older children following natural term nursing.

There is a wealth of information available on the Facebook group for the breastfeeding parent in different phases of pregnancy to those that wish to feed their child until the child self weans.

BSIM strongly believes that most parents do the best they can for their children based on the information and support available to them, and therefore we limit ourselves to being information providers.

We welcome members from diverse parenting philosophies and abstain from telling parents how to parent their child. Our goal is to provide information and leave the decision making to the parents themselves.

Even though BSIM started off as an online community, we are gradually increasing our offline presence. We have held meet-ups in 12 cities across 3 countries. With time, we hope to increase our offline presence in more cities, and empower more women.


More then 1,35,000+
Mothers Were Helped



Maternal and infant health improvement through knowledge sharing, training, support and advocacy

A world where women are empowered with information and support to optimally nourish their child(ren) resulting in healthier families